
“They’re Burning All the Witches Even If You’re Not One”

My colleagues and I rode the B Line into downtown Chicago during a work trip in the fall of 2022. The conversation between my friend and I centered on Taylor Swift’s newest album, Midnights which dropped less than a week prior. We jokingly hinted to our department chair, who sat across from us, that other…

Cleopatra and Mary Magdalene: A Cautionary Tale About Ambitious Women

Summer of 2014, I boarded a plan and traveled to Tel Aviv, Israel for a nine-day tour of the country. A few days after landing in Israel, my tour arrived to Magdala, a village in the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. I browsed through the archeological site when my tour guide explained how…

Olive Tree

A grove of olive trees gave a twenty-seven-year-old who was seven weeks pregnant in Jerusalem, Israel an umbrella from the hot afternoon sun. I ambled through the Garden of Gethsemane before entering the Church of All Nations, also known as the Church or Basilica of the Agony, a Roman Catholic Church resting on the Mount…

Kneading Help

Not only am I an advocate for women’s rights, but I’m a writer who likes to experiment with format. This piece is a “braided essay” that focuses on the COVID shutdown, making bread, and my memory of making bread as a young girl.


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